Bank Life Entertainment

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Plan.. so far!

Well, I woke up this morning to a call for a job! Yay! I also recently got hired at a local restaurant, which I hope to start working this week. I'm also enrolled in Job Corp @ San Marcos, I'm awaiting my leave date. About a month ago, I lost a really good job nd my car gave out on me, that took me to a deep depression and a very stressful time. Thank God for my children tho, they brought me thru that. So what's the plan? A year away from my kids to get a certificate in medical billing and coding. I'll only be able to see my mini's on weekends, that's gonna be difficult. I have this theory tho. Like i stated before, I'm no regular individual, so I don't see why I should be working any regular jobs? Minimum wage jobs have only helped me get by, I want more than that. With my certificate i'll still have to work a regular job, BUT it'll be extra cash to support my kids and my dream. Music has been the only constant in my life, its where my heart is! My dream is to one day be a r&b singer! That dream takes a lot of dedication and time, something I didn't have before. But what the hell, me and the kids aren't gettin any younger, its time to step out on faith and make this dream a reality.

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