Bank Life Entertainment

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Starting over is never easy, but its where I find myself at on Sep. 17th, 2012 @1:39am! First let me introduce myself. I am the one and only Kierra Flot. Mother of two very special children, Mason 2 nd Israel 9 months. At the age of 21 I'm finding myself single, broke, and still home with mommy. Music is the love of my life,  although we're going thru a rough time in our relationship. This blog is for me and anyone else who has found themselves at a place they never expected to be. This blog is just a way to document my journey and more importantly show the world that its okay to mess up as long as you plan to do better. My goal in life is to touch people with my story and this journey I'm about to embark on. What journey is that yu ask? Hell idk yet, but its gonna be a good one. Let me warn you now, I am no regular, average, normal person. I'm one of those people that are destined for greatness, I'm not quite sure what that greatness may be just yet, but I feel it deep in my soul, so I'm gonna run with that. It's safe to say that I will pour my heart out in this blog, whether I have zero followers or a million. I just wanna inspire. I'm here to say nobody is perfect, your gonna make huge mistakes, your gonna feel alone, your gonna hurt and maybe even cry more than yu laugh sometimes. But that just goes to show your human. This blog was placed on my heart, idk what's gonna come from this, only time will tell. Stick with me tho, we're gonna go to great places. Feel free to follow me to twitter @_Kieda also :)

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